Stay up to date on important issues.
Two huge victories!
DOJ institutes two new policies that DOJ GEN has been advocating for years. First, DOJ issued a travel policy that helps ensure federal employees can access necessary medical care, including abortion care. Second, OPM issued a comprehensive salary history ban that prohibits the solicitation and consideration of salary history in hiring and pay-setting decisions. We are immensely grateful to the DOJ GEN Working Groups that worked tirelessly to make these changes happen!
Two Big Wins
Updates on not one, but two, recent victories on issues that DOJ GEN has been vociferously advocating: the creation of a DOJ Sexual Misconduct Response Unit, and a proposed rule that would ban the use of salary history in federal hiring. In addition, this message provides an update on DOJ GEN’s advocacy on abortion access and federal coverage of fertility benefits.
Updates galore!
We have updates about ATR’s great new breastfeeding policy, DOJ GEN’s component survey, abortion-related developments, two new reports on gender dynamics in federal government leadership, our tracking of component FWO policies, an upcoming diversity program, an OIG report on sexual misconduct at BOP, and FEHB coverage of gender-affirming care and ART.
February 2023 Update
Announcing a new DOJ GEN project to track DOJ’s commitment to gender equity and equality. Read our February 2023 update for more, as well as the latest on gender equity at the FBI, our abortion care advocacy, new legislation on paid leave, a report on sexual harassment in the federal government, and other recent developments.
Abortion Access: Op-ed & Outreach to Congress and the Biden Admin
Updates on our attempts to urge Congress and the Administration to expand abortion access for federal employees.
So Many Updates
A smorgasbord of updates on DOJ GEN’s abortion care survey, fertility benefits, expansion of gender-affirming care coverage, COVID vaccine-related admin leave, DoD’s benefits for abortion care, sexual misconduct in the FBI, and an amicus brief regarding the evils of salary history in federal hiring.
DOJ GEN Pushes for Abortion Access Rights and More
We have updates about abortion access, pay equity, fertility treatments for feds, the dreaded “Schedule F,” flexible work options, and a giant sex discrimination settlement at DEA.
Abortion Access for Federal Employees
Read about DOJ GEN’s letter to the White House and AG Garland about abortion access for federal employees.
Updates: A Little Something for Everyone
We have updates about DOJ GEN’s abortion-related advocacy (progress!), flexible work options, an upcoming DOJ GEN and DOJABA moderated discussion, Pride events at DOJ, and some interesting detail opportunities.