DOJ Gender Equality Network

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Two Big Wins

In my first message as acting President of DOJ GEN, I am thrilled to announce not one, but two, recent victories on issues that DOJ GEN has been vociferously advocating: the creation of a DOJ Sexual Misconduct Response Unit, and a proposed rule that would ban the use of salary history in federal hiring. In addition, this email provides an update on DOJ GEN’s advocacy on abortion access and federal coverage of fertility benefits. I have included actions that DOJ GEN members can take to support and/or advocate on these topics. 

A short note: this email does not address the recent OMB memo that instructs agencies to “substantially increase meaningful in-person work at federal offices,” or the SHOW UP bill which has passed the HouseDOJ GEN is actively working on a response and will send out an email about this soon. 

Director of a Sexual Misconduct Review Unit

DOJ recently posted an advertisement for the Director of a Sexual Misconduct Review Unit here (public) and here (federal). As you may remember, DOJ created the Sexual Harassment Steering Committee—which recommend the creation of the unit—after DOJ GEN urged the Department to form the committee; you can read our letter here. Three DOJ GEN board members have served on the steering committee for almost two years. 

That’s only been one part of our advocacy for years, and years, and years for DOJ to review and revise its response to reports of sexual misconduct in its work force. It’s all paid off! We expect the Sexual Misconduct Response Unit to transform how DOJ responds to systemic sexual misconduct at DOJ, making the Department a safer and more equitable place to work.

Please share the advert for the Director posting with any friends, family members, or colleagues who may be interested.  The posting closes on May 30, 2023.

New Pay Equity Regulations

On May 11, OPM published its long-anticipated proposed rule that will ban the use of salary history in hiring. This is a huge win for DOJ GEN, which has been a leader in advocating OPM and DOJ for this exact ban. Setting remuneration based on salary history exacerbates existing inequities, as women and POC are more likely to enter federal service from public service positions. Salaries should be based on skill and experience, not the salary a prior employer was able and willing to pay. DOJ GEN has received media coverage for our support of the proposed rule here.

DOJ GEN is currently crafting our formal comment on this proposed rule, which we will share with the membership. Much gratitude to Lindsay Dunn, Liza Zamd, and Stacey Young for their dedicated advocacy on this issue. 

Members are encouraged to provide comment supporting the proposed rule here. The comment period ends on June 12, 2023.

Abortion Access Advocacy

The DOJ GEN Abortion Access Working Group recently sent a letter to Congress advocating that the ban prohibiting federal health insurance policies from covering abortions to be eliminated. The letter includes powerful stories by DOJ GEN members who shared the emotionally and physically devastating effects that the ban had on them. We are incredibly grateful to all our members who trust us with your stories and experiences. The letter received media coverage here, here, and here. Hats off to Jen Swedish for her leadership on this vital issue.

Fertility Benefits Legislation

A bipartisan group in Congress introduced a bill that would require OPM to cover IVF for federal employees.  The Federal Times has an article about it here. The DOJ GEN Fertility Coverage Working Group is actively following this bill.

DOJ GEN members can advocate for insurance coverage of IVF benefits by sending emails to or reaching out to your representatives in the House and Senate.

Spread the Word!

I am inspired by all of your commitment to equality and willingness to fight to make DOJ the best workplace it can be for all of us.  I am grateful and honored to work alongside each and every one of you.

As a reminder— please invite your coworkers to join DOJ GEN. They can do so by filling out this form. And email me with issues or if you want to get involved with any of our working groups.